Work better and faster with AI

Unleash your creativity and boost productivity with personalized AI courses, tailored to your unique needs and business processes.


I aim to simplify AI for you, enabling creativity, productivity, and efficiency in your everyday tasks. With a focus on data privacy and bespoke learning experiences, I guide you through the fascinating world of AI and its practical applications, from entry level to more advanced integration. 

Simple and Personal

The process is simple: Understand your needs, customize the course, and guide you to implement AI tools into your workflow. The courses, ranging anywhere from a two-hour introduction to full day workshops, begin with an introduction to Machine Learning and AI, before diving into content that's segmented by your business category and job type. This ensures a learning experience that's truly tailored to you and fits into your schedule.

What you can expect

By demystifying AI and its implementation, I help you overcome the common misconception that AI is overly complex or requires high technical expertise. The courses enable you to:

  • Work with the newest and most advanced AI tools
  • Enhance your creativity by automating repetitive tasks
  • Boost productivity with AI tools tailored to your workflow
  • Gain a competitive edge in your career
  • Navigate AI implementation while safeguarding data privacy

Sign up

Ready to step into the future of work? Get in touch to learn more, or sign up for my personalized AI course today.

About me

As an early adopter of the internet and developments in AI, I am a seasoned consultant with a diverse background in design, marketing, creative direction, web development, and project management as well as the creation of digital art. I like making AI accessible as a tool to boost creativity and productivity. As a writer I frequently explore the intersection of AI and creativity through an ongoing series of posts on LinkedIn. Let me help guide you into the future of work, where AI empowers, not replaces.

- Jurjen Semeijn


Images from the LinkedIn series